Running for Families to Keep Families Running


Encouraging wellness in a corporate setting

4/2/2020 | Post by Ben Rothke | Tapad Engineering

With a corporate emphasis on wellness, the Tapad cafeteria has a large selection of healthy snacks. For those who think wellness means candy, there’s also M&M’s for those in need of a sugar wellness fix.

Be it encouraging exercise, Team Tapad participation in a Tough Mudder race, and more. It is about realizing that a healthy employee is generally a happier employee.

When it comes to running, people love the Chicago Marathon as it is flat and fast. So fast, that four world record marathon times have occurred there to date. For those who hate hills, Chicago is your race, as there’s only a 27-foot differential for the entire course.

I’ve run several marathons. But the toughest marathon I have encountered was the Jerusalem half-marathon. I last ran there in 2014, and as hills go, the Jerusalem hills have hills.

Every race has an elevation chart. When you think Chicago, think a long flat line, Below is the official chart for the Jerusalem half-marathon. It sort of looks like an EKG that would make a cardiologist apoplectic.

For the upcoming Jerusalem race in March 2020, I am part of Team Kav L’Noar. Kav L’Noar is an organization that provides the tools and techniques for struggling youth, young adults, and families to race onto a new path in life.

The race in Jerusalem in March is really 6 separate races in one:

  • Full marathon — 26.2 miles, or 42.2 kilometers

So why so many races? Perhaps it’s a subtle message that wellness is about getting out there. Those who start with a short community walk will hopefully take the next step, literally, to a longer race. That is something which will hopefully be their start in their road to better health and wellness.

Wellness is a journey. And now is an excellent time to start.

Ben Rothke is a Senior Information Security Specialist at Tapad. Follow Ben on Twitter and LinkedIn.